Children are all individuals. They differ in their behaviour, temperaments and the way they react to situation. They also differ in the way the learn. By understanding the different ways that they learn and the various options and methods available, the daycare teacher can maximise the absorption of knowledge and information that they present.


Impact on Genes on IQ and Personality
Two of the hottest topic in the nature vs nurture debate....

Is a child's development lead by genes or the daycare environment?
How much of an impact does a child's genes or his daycare environment have on a the child's development? What is the correlation between the child’s genes and his environment on his growth?

Developing problem solving skills in daycare children
Children are all individuals. They differ in their behaviour, temperaments and the way they react to situation. They also differ in the way the learn. By understanding the different ways that they learn and the various options and methods available, the daycare teacher can maximise the absorption of knowledge and information that they present.

Leveraging on prior knowledge to solve problems
When a child is encountering a new or slightly more complex, there is a tendency for the child to get frustrated and/or become upset. Rather than rushing in to teach the child how it should be done, why not teach the child to solve the problem using his/her prior knowledge? A child, despite his/her young age, possesses a certain level of prior knowledge. The daycare teacher can teach the child to capitalise his / her prior knowledge to solve the new problem.

Social interaction in daycare learning
It is probably common knowledge to all that what a child learns in the first 6 years of his life is very important. Research have highlighted that a child’s learning should not be done in isolation and the adult-child relationship also play a very important role in the learning process.

Learning Through Play
There are so many reasons why children needed to play. They use play to practise their motor skills, to build on their imagination, to develop ideas about how the world around them works and even critical thinking skills. Play is basically how they learn and it is important for educators to recognise the role of play in a pre-schoolers learning journey and the effectiveness of learning through play.

Creating a positive daycare learning environment
The learning environment plays a critical part in a daycare child's learning process. Creating a positive learning climate requires some planning and work on the part of the daycare giver. For an environment to be conducive for learning, you need to look at a number of factors.

Encouraging self direct learning in daycare children
Research have shown that most children are self directed learners. They demonstrate a desire to engage themselves in situations where they can enrich their knowledge and enhance their skill sets. To inculcate self directed learning, a daycare teacher need to offload some of the responsibilities for learning from themselves to the learner (student).

Understanding the different types of daycare learners
Children learn in different ways. Some children can easily achieve a task simply by following instructions. However, there are some that do better by watching others do it whilst others need to do it themselves.

There are 3 main types of learners. The auditory learner, the visual learner and the kinetic learner.